
Audi Hungaria to switch to three shifts

Three shift operation will be introduced in mid-August, the reason for the change is growing demand on the German brand´s premium models. With reaching final prodcution volumes for the TT and the TTS Coupé, the Győr-based plant will reach its full capacity.

Gergő Panker | 2014.07.15 11:49

2.5 million cars from Suzuki Esztergom

On July 9, the 2.5 millionth car rolled off the production line in Esztergom, Hungary. The car is a 1.2-litre third-generation Swift in white colour, sold to a Hungarian customer.

Gergő Panker | 2014.07.10 08:55

HITA database for automotive suppliers

The Hungarian Investment Trade Agency (HITA) claims that its certified supplier database is an "innovation partner search" database. We interviewed HITA advisor Csaba Robotka about the advantages of registering in the database.

Gergő Panker | 2014.06.25 14:52

Seat to build SUV at Skoda factory in Slovakia

Volkswagen Group will build a Seat SUV at a plant in Kvasiny, Slovakia, run by Czech brand Skoda, using lower labor costs to accelerate a turnaround at its only unprofitable division. The road-going version of the IBX concept, presented in 2011, will be first sold in 2016. | 2014.06.13 09:37

Mercedes adds shift at Kecskemét plant to make more compacts

Mercedes-Benz, the world’s third-largest maker of luxury vehicles, is adding a third shift at a plant in Hungary to keep up with demand for its compact cars. The extra shift at the Kecskemét plant will start in May. | 2014.03.19 07:39

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