News in English TechTogether – meeting place for talented engineering students

TechTogether – meeting place for talented engineering students

Gergő Panker | 2014.06.27 10:53

TechTogether – meeting place for talented engineering students

Professional site Autopro will hold a conference and a competition based on technical and general industrial knowledge for the best racing teams participating in automotive university competitions.


Hungexpo will house a special event in November 2014. The most talented engineering students will meet each other and the representatives of industrial players and visitors concerned with the domestic automotive industry at Automotive Hungary.

F1-presenter Zoltán Szujó at this year's Pneumobil race

The teams will compete in a competition including questions from the fields of natural science, technology and automotive technology. At the conference the teams will have the opportunity to present their experiences from their previous competitions and see presentations by noted professionals from the sector.

Bosch GoKart at the Hungaroring

Techtogether, to be held between November 5 and 7, is a a unique event as it invites the developers of vehicles with traditional and alternative drivetrains as well. There never have been so many talented Hungarian engineering students from the same field at the same place to share their experiences with one another.

Formula Student teams will also take part in Techtogether

When the majority of youths spend the summer holiday relaxing, these guys and girls participate in a number of automotive events, competing with each other, themselves and the clock. In November, not only will they bring their trophies but exhibit their vehicles at Techtogether's pit lane, to show the visitors just what the future of Hungary's automotive industry is capable of.

We will continue to report on the preparations and participating teams.


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