News in English Hungarian government partners up with Siemens to promote dual vocational training

Hungarian government partners up with Siemens to promote dual vocational training

Gergő Panker | 2018.08.08 22:02

Hungarian government partners up with Siemens to promote dual vocational training

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) has signed a four-year partnership agreement with Siemens Zrt. on the reform of dual vocational training and a pilot project. The agreement was signed in Budapest on Monday by Minister László Palkovics and Siemens CEO-president Dale A. Martin.


At the signing ceremony, László Palkovics highlighted the fact that the pilot project includes the development of career orientation and application systems, the curricula, student contracts and vocational examinations and also extends to the further training of specialised teachers and educators in the fields of the most advanced industrial technologies.


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