News in English Hungarian automotive industry: week 12 2019 edition

Hungarian automotive industry: week 12 2019 edition

Gergő Panker | 2019.03.25 21:51

Hungarian automotive industry: week 12 2019 edition

The new BMW plant in Debrecen could face delays, while local companies prepare for fierce competition for employees. Let´s recap what the previous week brought in Hungary´s automotive sector.


The launch of BMW’s new plant in Debrecen could face potential delay after archaeological explorations begin at the development site.

Students from Audi Hungaria partner institutions have achieved top results at a vocational competition.

According to a new survey, 81 percent of company directors believe that the race for employees will increase after the launch of the new BMW plant in Debrecen, while 61 percent is expecting an increase in wages.

Schaeffler AG has disclosed its financial report for fiscal 2018. Klaus Rosenfeld, chairman of Schaeffler AG’s board of directors, is not satisfied with the automotive division’s performance.

The Hungarian subsidiary of Hankook Tire finally made an agreement with the union and ended the ten-day strike last week following the involvement of the Korean parent’s management.

Rába will pay dividends to its shareholders.

“Computers are capable learning patterns and rules, which is why they are perfect for low-brainpower tasks. Tasks that would take 1 to 3 seconds of brainpower, such as recognising and grouping various types of emails. There are many back office areas where not only are computers capable of performing these tasks but able to complete them with higher reliability and speed than humans,” Zoltán Biczó,” lead data scientist at Stratis Kft., said on the topic of whether the digitalisation of back office tasks could replace human creativity and work.

The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office has appointed a new president.

The property development of Törökszentmiklós South Industrial Zone has begun with a HUF 800 million investment, which will modernise the area, make local businesses more competitive and allow job growth.

Engineering consultant firm QFD Mérnöki Tanácsadó Iroda Kft. will hold workshops on the topics of VDA 19.1 and 19.2.

“In Austria it is allowed to take both hands off the steering wheel and navigate the vehice externally in well defined scenarios and conditions,” lawyer and regular Autopro contributor Dr. Csaba Nyalka said in an interview on the legal challenges of autonomous vehicles.

Hungarian-founded chatbot provider Talk-a-Bot could help HR professionals in employee communications.


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