News in English BME FRT wins TechTogether

BME FRT wins TechTogether

Gergő Panker | 2014.11.08 11:15

BME FRT wins TechTogether

Not only the 18 teams that took part in TechTogether attained expertise and awards but they also had the opportunity to expand their networking with companies and organizations in the automotive sector.


Although the first TechTogether event has finished, it has opened up a new chapter in the industry. A new era has begun in the networking between talented students and corporations, which is also indicated by the government quality-oriented higher educational strategy.

We can safely say that companies and even universities can learn from the young generation, as pointed out one of the jury members.

The first TechTogether event has come to an end. Of the 18 participants, six teams qualified themselves into the final round. The following three teams finished on the podium:

1st place: BME Formula Racing Team

2nd place: ME Kart (University of Miskolc)

3rd place: BME RobonAUT Csapat

The winners received the following prize: 1-day Audi test drive with ten cars for all team members, a Mercedes gift package and factory visit, two myRIO tools offered by National Instruments and an eight-hour engineering support for product development from Rába.

The team in 2nd place received the following prize: room and board for two nights at Hotel Szépalma, a Mercedes gift package and factory visit, one myRIO tool offered by National Instrumentsand an eight-hour engineering support for product development from Rába.

The team in 3rd place received the following: A Bosch drilling kit, a Mercedes gift package and factory visit, one myDAQ tool offered by National Instruments.

Csilla Agócs, captain of the winning BME Formula Racing Team told our site after the award ceremony that all the prizes will indeed benefit the team. They are glad they had the opportunity to take part in TechTogether as this time, they did not have to compete with a vehicle but they could give account of many aspects of their expertise.

According to the team captain, an event like this is a great opportunity for engineer students and they will also participate the next time around.

The sponsoring companies also offered special prizes:

RÁBA Nyrt. offered an internship or thesis work placement for three students. The prize went to three members of Arrabona Racing Team.

In the competition, AVL Autokut's tasks were mastered by the teams from Budapest University of Technology and Economy (BME).

As a result of their great performance, the members of BMEmotion and BMW Formula Racing Team received a tool voucher of HUF 80,000 (EUR 265), while BME's Paradicsom Team received a voucher of EUR 460 in value.

Energotest's prize, a special tool kit, was won by SZEnergy Team from Győr.

Knorr-Bremse's cash prize was won by KEFO GAMFkart. The Kecskemét-based team will also take part in a factory visit at the company.

Óbuda University's Eco Marathon team took home the special prize of the Automotive Research Centre. The Centre also provides access and professional support for three team members at the immersive 3D lab of the Computer Science and Control of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA-SZTAKI).'s special prize also went to Shell Eco Marathon from Óbuda University. They had collected the most online support for their team. Their prize was HUF 100,000 (EUR 310).

Tequa's special prize was given to KEFO Pneukombájn, while Atestor's award for the best stall went to BME RobonAUT.


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