News in English Audi Hungaria report on decreasing revenues in 2016

Audi Hungaria report on decreasing revenues in 2016

Gergő Panker | 2017.03.15 18:59

Audi Hungaria report on decreasing revenues in 2016

In 2016, Audi Hungaria’s revenue decreased by 10 percent. After registering €7.906 bln in revenues in 2015, the company’s books recorded €7.136 bln last year, it was revealed at a press conference held at the Audi AG’s head offices in Ingolstadt.


The Győr plant manufactured 1,926,638 engines and 122,975 vehicles in 2016, a 4.8 percent and a 23.1 percent decrease from the previous year, respectively.

On December 31, the company had 11,631 employees on its payroll, 220 more than the year before.

It was revealed by Audi Hungaria HR director Erzsébet Knáb that staffers at the Győr plant will receive 84.5 percent of their base and variable pay as a bonus.


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