News in English Arrabona Racing Team wins Techtogether competition

Arrabona Racing Team wins Techtogether competition

Gergő Panker | 2019.10.19 00:22

Arrabona Racing Team wins Techtogether competition

Arrabona Racing Team from Győr finished in first place and collected the HUF 500,000 grand prize at Techtogether, a student competition held between October 16-18th at trade exhibition Automotive Hungary with 16 participating teams comprising a total of nearly 400 students.


The team of Szombathelyi Gépészek (Engineers from Szombathely) finished in second place. The final step of the podium was claimed by BME Motorsport.

Additionally to their second-place finish overall, Szombathelyi Gépészek brought home no fewer than eight special prizes.


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